by tadAdmin | Nov 3, 2024 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Sleep, Speech and Language, Vitamin D
This week (May ’17), Penn State researchers claimed to have disproven a generally-accepted premise with an article is entitled, Tantrums are Not Associated with Speech or Language Deficits in Preschool Children with Autism. The Study The authors retrieved...
by tadAdmin | Nov 3, 2024 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Diets, Dignosis, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Patient experiences, Prevention, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Speech and Language
Shortly after starting speech therapy, it is not uncommon for our parents to be informed by the professional that their child has speech apraxia. Here’s the thing, the child does not have autism AND an inability to produce words. In the vast majority of cases,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Dec 31, 2020 | >ALL<, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Yearly Updates
Each month throughout the year, I flag research that pertains to my understanding and how I practice the complicated world of childhood developmental medicine. There are many articles to be considered, but this synopsis focuses on human studies. Here is how the OTHER...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Jul 20, 2020 | Academic Issues, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Behavioral Intervention, Sensory issues
As with most adults during this quarantining/social-distancing era, mornings begin by reading some periodical(s) concerning the pandemic, and where we are supposed to go to work today… or, if there is a job to go to? Oh, and what about the kids, the therapies,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Jun 3, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, HBOT for ASD, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vaccines, Vitamin B12
The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine recently published an article entitled, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Primary Clostridium Difficile Infection. It is likely that parents of children with ASD, who exhibit gastrointestinal difficulties, will ask,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Apr 1, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Autism Therapies, Chelation, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Special Therapies, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vitamin B12
I have attempted to write this explanation – about the MTHFR gene – for more than a year now, often surrendering because it just gets so complicated (see diagram on right – and that is a simplified version)! However, almost daily now, I need to...