by tadAdmin | Nov 3, 2024 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Diets, Dignosis, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Patient experiences, Prevention, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Speech and Language
Shortly after starting speech therapy, it is not uncommon for our parents to be informed by the professional that their child has speech apraxia. Here’s the thing, the child does not have autism AND an inability to produce words. In the vast majority of cases,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Sep 12, 2020 | AD/HD, Autism Therapies, Behavioral Intervention, Diagnosis, Earliest Red Flags, Patient experiences, Prevention, Uncategorized
The New York Times recently published their version of “How to Choose the Right Pediatrician”. That was great advice for the last century. Web-savvy parents being more knowledgable than co-authors Prof. Chang and Dr. Wilkerson gave due credit, my...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Jun 3, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, HBOT for ASD, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vaccines, Vitamin B12
The prestigious New England Journal of Medicine recently published an article entitled, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Primary Clostridium Difficile Infection. It is likely that parents of children with ASD, who exhibit gastrointestinal difficulties, will ask,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Apr 1, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Autism Therapies, Chelation, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Special Therapies, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vitamin B12
I have attempted to write this explanation – about the MTHFR gene – for more than a year now, often surrendering because it just gets so complicated (see diagram on right – and that is a simplified version)! However, almost daily now, I need to...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Mar 18, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Conferences, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, PANDAS etc., Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Sleep, Speech and Language, Vitamin B12
The Fall 2017 conference was ‘hurricaned’ out, so it’s been a year since I reported on the semi-annual 3-day scientific meeting of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. This post will focus on the two most controversial topics – one,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Feb 18, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Dignosis, Earliest Red Flags, Patient experiences, Prevention, Reversing autism, Sensory issues
This story is a total rip-off. The New York Times recently featured a worthwhile piece entitled, A Doctor’s Guide to a Good Appointment. In that vein, I couldn’t help but add my two cents worth of advice about how to make the best of a family’s first...