by Dr. Brian Udell | Mar 18, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Conferences, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, PANDAS etc., Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Sleep, Speech and Language, Vitamin B12
The Fall 2017 conference was ‘hurricaned’ out, so it’s been a year since I reported on the semi-annual 3-day scientific meeting of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs. This post will focus on the two most controversial topics – one,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Feb 18, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diagnosis, Dignosis, Earliest Red Flags, Patient experiences, Prevention, Reversing autism, Sensory issues
This story is a total rip-off. The New York Times recently featured a worthwhile piece entitled, A Doctor’s Guide to a Good Appointment. In that vein, I couldn’t help but add my two cents worth of advice about how to make the best of a family’s first...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Jan 1, 2018 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Chelation, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, PANDAS etc., Patient experiences, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Sleep, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D
I’m not a big fan of posting patient testimonials. Miracle treatments are frequently reported as gospel. Plus, it’s pretty unlikely that any practitioner would advertise negative information about their own organization. On the other hand, many Googlers,...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Dec 28, 2017 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Autism Therapies, Conferences, Diagnosis, Diets, Dignosis, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Special Therapies, Speech and Language, Treatment, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D
In the face of the exploding incidence of childhood developmental abnormalities, scientific knowledge is sorely lacking. These are my top picks for this year’s most useful human research and events that address our understanding about the cause(s) and...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Nov 23, 2017 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Asperger's Syndrome, Autism Therapies, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Holidays & Vacations, News-Maybe-Worthy, Patient experiences, Sensory issues, Sleep, Speech and Language, Treatment
Maybe this list applies to all modern kids. Especially as regards offspring who are ‘on the spectrum’, our experience and perspective from The Child Development Center can assist gift givers with decisions about whether holiday offerings are consistent...
by Dr. Brian Udell | Nov 18, 2017 | >ALL<, AD/HD, Alternative and Complementary Medicine for ASD, Anxiety, Autism Therapies, Chelation, Conferences, Diagnosis, Diets, Earliest Red Flags, Gastrointestinal Issue, Genetics, News-Maybe-Worthy, PANDAS etc., Patient experiences, Prevention, Research, Reversing autism, Sensory issues, Treatment, Vaccines, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D
I awoke one morning recently, to this shocking Facebook post: 77th Holistic Doctor Shot Dead In Her AZ Home With Her Entire Family. Considering the violent circumstances surrounding this daunting list of clinicians’ deaths, including Drs. Jeffrey Bradstreet,...