Archive for the ‘>ALL<’ Category

Vitamin B12, Reflux and Autism

Vitamin B12, Reflux and Autism

Periodic subcutaneous injection of methyl B12 is one of the most effective treatments for many children presenting with ASD. The vitamin improves autistic signs such as speech apraxia, ‘fog’, and low muscle tone. This therapy often addresses downstream...
Pediatric Special Needs Include Autism

Pediatric Special Needs Include Autism

Recounting events that take place over just a couple of days at The Child Development Center provides me with the opportunity to paint a picture* about state-of-the-art medical care for complicated pediatric development. This is a newly emerging specialty, which is...
Speaking of Autism Speaks

Speaking of Autism Speaks

There has been a controversy brewing lately, involving the organization Autism Speaks. Facing a Congressional audience to address the epidemic, Suzanne Wright, co-founder and major contributor, expressed what has been categorized as inaccurate, overstated, or alarmist...
Sit or Get Off the Potty – Toilet Training and Autism

Sit or Get Off the Potty – Toilet Training and Autism

As in many things ASD-ish, instructions that usually work in neuro-typical children are not certain to shape up as expected. For example, advising the mom of an autistic finicky eater, “Just let him sit there, he’ll eventually eat,” could be a big...
Escaping Autism

Escaping Autism

With increasing frequency lately, this medical practice evaluates another child who displays a combination of signs and symptoms that can best be explained by the term, “Escaping Autism.” There appears to be some common connection involving the...
The Earliest Earliest Signs of Autism

The Earliest Earliest Signs of Autism

There has been a lot of recent news coverage about a study demonstrating that young infants who display certain problems may be presenting with the earliest sign of autism. Not the first such research, not the last. Three months prior, an investigation into the number...
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      Pediatric Special Needs Medicine
      Functional and Integrative Children’s Care

      Address – Brian D. Udell MD
      6974 Griffin Road
      Davie, FL 33314
      Phone- 954-873-8413
      Fax- 954-792-2424