Processing Disorders and Autism

Processing Disorders and Autism

There are a number of newly-minted diagnoses that have been invented to explain many of the symptoms of the modern epidemic that covers autism. They include: Diagnosis: → Sensory Processing Disorder → Visual Processing Disorder → Auditory Processing Disorder...
Home Schooling Children with Autism Issues

Home Schooling Children with Autism Issues

ADHD, aggression, bullying and being bullied, meltdowns, oppositional, auditory, visual and other Sensory Processing Disorders, are among the many challenges of modern school-aged children who are recovering from the conditions that are categorized under Autism...
School Preparation for Special Needs Students

School Preparation for Special Needs Students

Boundless advice is offered on all forms of media that suggests the best ways to handle the coming school year. Here are some tips that may help your not-so-neurotypical youngster who faces the challenges of the next academic season. ◊ Don’t wait to begin a...
July 4th with Developmentally Challenged Children

July 4th with Developmentally Challenged Children

While the rest of the country eagerly awaits an exciting and fun-filled day, there are some families who will wonder how to get through the celebration. Here are the top 10 reasons why this can be so challenging. The trip to see the fireworks may present the first...
A Better Approach to Autism and ADHD

A Better Approach to Autism and ADHD

When faced with the diagnosis of autism or moderate-to-severe attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, parents have limited choices. Some may be financially out-of-reach, others could be unproven or even risky. It appears that the available options fall into...
Kids on the Calendar Year Cusp

Kids on the Calendar Year Cusp

May is a key month for parents, administrators, teachers, pediatricians, and therapists to confer about whether Junior should start in PreK, or move on to Kindergarten. Which child should repeat 1st grade? Is the youngster ready for VPK? How about Middle school? What...
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      Pediatric Special Needs Medicine
      Functional and Integrative Children’s Care

      Address – Brian D. Udell MD
      6974 Griffin Road
      Davie, FL 33314
      Phone- 954-873-8413
      Fax- 954-792-2424