I don’t tweet. Not because of being old-fashioned (my children were happy to instruct me in the ways of tweeting). Not because of accessibility (I’m always attached to a smarter-than-me phone). I just don’t have the time to tweet, or to read them (is there a word for that?)
But… if I did have the time, here are some of my 140-char-or-less thoughts about ASD. My patients have heard many of them. Many times.
1. You’ve got to bring the child into our world, not the other way around.
2. Diets are great, but they have to be practical, safe and demonstrate predicable results.
3. When it comes to autism, there is fact, science and folklore. The Internet is basically folklore.
4. You don’t have to have an affected child to be a good autism doc.
5. Anyone who claims to fix autism without giving you a clear understanding of the facts and time involved is not being accurate.
6. Epidemics in humans are environmental, by definition. We are not fruit flies.
7. ABA best addresses significant behavioral problems. The child must be able to tolerate a physical examination, for example – for their own good.
8. Forget about “PDD-NOS, plus sensory issues, with significant speech delay.” It’s called AUTISM.
9. Every medical diagnosis requires an appropriate and effective workup. ASD is a medical diagnosis.
10. Parents of autistic children are the most patient people that I have ever met. Ever.
Thank you for bringing us your sons and daughters.